Monday, August 30, 2010

OMFG @ The Grand Canyon~!!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

lAbby arT~

wAz runninG a dnA geL eArlier on....and plAyed around witH the pcR plAtez i juz uzed on my bencH.....

i reAlized an antipolAr bilAyer of pcR plAtez cAn be adjuZted to curVe @ variouZ degreeZ.....

and theN i mAde thiZ:

lAbbily arttilY,


thougH me not so hAppy abt the dnA geL i juz obtAined (expecTed by botH me and beN)......i'M sooo glAd for bAolin bcuZ she pAzzed her gbO~!!!!!!!!

CONGRATZ girL~!!!!!

hmM...shAll celebrAte witH her afteR i returN froM my imprompTu triP to the goldeN coAzt..



"loVe life" bY fAye.


explorinG mY miNd.

finAlly achieVed a totAlly sobeR alcohoL-free dAy... ;)

so glAd i choZe not to drinK beeR whiLe hAnging out witH my lAbberz in ben'Z office....thiZ iz a 1sT eveR~

and i also didn'T drinK the beerZ and other alcohoL bAck hoMe...

welL, mAybe bcuZ i knoW my body'Z fAlling ilL....

hmM, a sobeR alcohoL-free dAy iz enjoyAble buZ i juZ seeM to hAve more tiMe...

thAnkz myrnA for yeT anotheR awesoMe hAircut~

Thursday, August 26, 2010

humAn cAnonballz


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


energY loW todAy...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

i woKe up todAy

Sunday, August 22, 2010

he aTe my heArt and theN he aTe my brAin

Friday, August 20, 2010

i sAy it besT wheN i sAy nothing @ alL

"wheN you sAy nothinG @ alL" bY ronAn keAting

seriouzly seriouzlY.


20: silverY pinK drAgonz - bAnsheez?

it'z origAmi dAy in the lAb todAy............

somehoW there wAz an origAmi frenzY....and almoZ all of uz looKed up chAllenging origAmi projectZ insteAd of gettinG fRee beeR @ the GSA hAppy houR for newbieZ....woW.


it hAz been a whiLe siNce i'Ve doNe any artZ & crAft....whicH i totAlly enjoY siNce arT wAz my fAvorite and besT subjecT in my eArly schooL dAyz...

so, grAce and me fouNd thiZ:

a drAgon in flighT~!!!

hmM....onlY i tooK on thiZ chAllenge.......grAce wenT on to mAke flowerZ whiLe morassA and sarAh embArked on theiR verY complicAted mouZe/rAt chAllenge as a pArt of theiR mAke-a-mini-origAmi-zoo projecT~

hmpH myseLf bcuZ....i am sillY enougH to thinK "florisT foiL" iz aluminiuM foiL?? i mAde thiZ silverY drAgon:


cAn't fiNd liMe greeN pAper i mAde a hoT pink drAgon to represenT ouR reseArchy fighT agAinzt breAst cAncer:

rAaaaarrr raaaAaaar~!!!!!!!!!!

mY lovelY friendZ who coMe aliVe wheN no one'Z arouNd....don'T you knoW Toy Story iz reAl???

i wannA buY more toY storY compAnionz.....hmM...

ooH wAit, theZe drAgonz cAn be tsu'tey'Z mountAin bAnsheez froM monZ veritAtiz~!!!!!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

21: chAtting witH the gigAntic whiTe mArble?

i cut acrozZ the mAin hozpitAl @ ~2am....and i suddenlY reaaaaaaAlly wAnted to asK some questionZ.

questionzzZ onlY a god can answeR.

or mAybe even a god hAz no answerZ to.

and i knoW the perfecT plAce to go:

he feelZ more aliVe wheN no one iz arouNd.

i stood @ the gigAntic jesuZ stAtue (moZ probAbly whiTe mArble) underneAth the worLd fAmouz Johns Hopkins Hospital Dome....and looked into hiz eyez for soMe tiMe.

he hAz center-pArting.....for both hiZ hAir and beArd.

and of courZe i receiVed no verbAl replieZ.


p.S.: Joe will alwAyz hi-low-5 witH him wheneveR he wAlkz pAst....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"he looked az if hiZ duckZ died." = hilAriouz~!!!

22: hoW do i thinK of nothinG?

bubbleZ withiN bubbLe.

todAy, beN shoWed me a bubbLe tricK........whicH iz to bloW tinY bubbleZ withiN a lArge bubbLe~!!!!

i juZ tried and i manAged to geT 3 inside a huge bubbLe~!!!

mAybe i'lL hAve photoZ oNce i receiVe my wonderfuL zs7~

i simplY love bubbleZ~

stilL amAzed~

god...iz 1 of us~

i didn'T reAlize thAt i put thiZ sonG into my iPod toucH.....and it plAyed on shuffLe mode whiLe i wAz walkinG to lAb thiZ morninG:

"1 of us" bY joAn osborNe

i firsT heArd thiZ sonG like a decAde ago? and i alwAyz thoughT the song meAnt onlY one thinG......whicH iz to stilL blindlY bliVe witH wondeR....witH lotzA muZic.

hmM, but wheN i heArd it agAin todAy, i thoughT in betweeN the lineZ of the lyricZ.....and i thinK i see the deepeR meAning to thiZ sonG.........

of courZe everyone cAn interpreTe the sAme wordZ differentlY.

buT, personAlly, i hAve inferred ultrA cleAr conclusionZ.

god iz unquestionAbly 1 of us.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

23 dAyz lefT~

Sunday, August 15, 2010

animAlz and childreN neveR lie.

"the animAl sonG" - savAge gArden

"i'Ve beeN hAving difficultieZ keepinG to myseLf...
feelingZ and emotionZ betteR lefT uP on the sheLf..."

"i wanT to ruN througH the jungLe witH the wiNd in my hAir and the sAnd at my feeT~"

running awAy in my miNd...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

septembeR 2010 will rocK BIG tiMe~!!!! wooT~!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

animAlz and canonbAllz.

cArelezz and fRee?

Monday, August 09, 2010


Emcee: "They're oceans away and many time zones away - Singaporeans living and studying abroad, but they still call Singapore, Home."

"Home" by Kit Chan.

The BEST Singaporean song EVER.

Kit's the only singer who can perform this song - seriously~!!!

I never could feel/understand the true meaning behind this song if I never embarked on my scientific exploratory journey across the globe....and I am glad I am now in the U.S.A. - the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Where's my home?

"loVe me" - revAmped

kudoZ to meghAn~!!

monsterZ and wordZ.


Saturday, August 07, 2010

neveR give uP on mY hollAndy cloggY arK~!!!!

it'Z officiAl~!!!!!!!

woodY joiNed me in my Ph.D. journeY...sAiling on hiZ hollAndy cloggY arK....protecTed bY tsu'teY in the seA of scieNce:

woodY shAll provide me witH creAtively constructiVe suggestionZ...
pluZ the glowY pAndora intelligeNce of tsu'teY....
pluZ my greeN lifegeAr flAshlight-glowsticK...
pluZ the non-speAking wheezeR ktV-ing on the bubbleZ of ESOF 2010...
pluZ the greeN eiffeL toweR of pAriz...
pluZ the polisH mini-elephAnt undeR the mini-tRee on the mini-rocK..... ;P

togetheR, we shAll sAil in the seA of scieNce on ouR hollAndy cloggY arK...amongzT the silverY tsu'teY-switcH pebbleZ...witH the frozeN blue-bouNd bi-fountAin of goldeN hersheY-wrApperz~

woodY: i wilL neveR give uP on you~!!!
illZ: enN~!!!


Friday, August 06, 2010

"i'd die to fiNd ouT"~!!!!

"i wAnt you" bY savAge gArden

"ooH i wAnt you i don'T knoW if i need you buT
ooH i'd die to fiNd out...
ooH i wAnt you i don'T knoW if i need you buT
ooH i'd die to fiNd out..."

illZ declAration: i wAnt you and i need you.


it wouLd be cooL to sinG thiZ sonG @ ktV~!! buT i won'T die to sinG thAt @ ktV...

buT reAlly, i wouLd die to fiNd ouT~!!!!!!!

p.S.: whAt iz a chicA cherrY colA? an americAn singAporean prezZie for anyoNe who knowZ whAt it iZ~

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

crAshed & burnT.

"crAsh and burN" bY sAvage gArden

kudoZ to botH the lyricZ and tuNe...and if you wAtch cArefully, the video contenT iz kindA speciAl - it depictZ mentAl confusioN.

breAthing agAin?

savAge gArdening ♥

"sAnta monicA" bY savAge gArden

repeAted thiz sonG....froM lAst night untiL noW.

doeZ it mAke a differeNce?

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


"shAred unconstructiVe dreAm spAce"

i didn'T hAve tiMe to thinK of alL theze pointZ of the moVie whiLe i wAz wAtching it...


Sunday, August 01, 2010

freedoM = 自由

“不要回来 - 你已经自由了。

suddenlY dyinG to sinG thiZ sonG @ kboX~!!!!!!!!!!!



