Monday, December 31, 2007

hAppy 2008..!!!!!

juZ a shorT posT to wisH all sentienT beinGz a belAted merrY chriztmAz....

and a hAppy 2008..!!!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Friday, December 21, 2007

deAr agathA...

deAr agathA...

you trulY hAve the cheeriezT smiLe...
you surelY hAve the cutezT rivAn...
mAy you hAve the brightezT hAppiezt koAlaiezt futuRe...!!!

"i knoW you're goNe you sAid you'Re goNe but i cAn stilL feeL you here...
gottA keeP it stronG befoRe the pAin turnz into feAr....
you knoW it'z tiMe to sAy goodbYe..."
"goodbYe" bY the sPice girlZ...

thiZ iz the rummY fArewell chriztmAz cAke froM agathA..

thiZ iz "koAli".....and he'z a prezZie from a very nice frieNd!! he'Z on my lAb office tAble...and he'lL appeAr in the followinG fArewell photoZ of me witH agathA in the lAb!!! hahAaa...i love Koalaz!!

da-duH!! agathA, koAli, and me!!!

hahAa...agathA, koAli, and me agAin!!! ^O^

we will definitelY mizZ you aRd the lAb!!!

britneY iz finAlly bAck!!

whAt more can i sAy?

i loVe you britneY!!!! you aRe finAlly bAck.......powerfuL and simplY britneY!!! there'Z life and energY in her eyeZ...thAnkz for returninG.....^O^
thiZ linkZ to her lAtest singLe...witH excellent lyricZ...thAt only she cAn sinG in the whoLe worLd --> POM! Piece of Me!!

Britney Spears Lyrics
Piece Of Me Lyrics


crAzy me..

i wAz suppozed to meet some friendZ @ clementI @ 145pm, and i wAz eArly @ Plaza Singapura (P.S.) to buy movIe ticketZ...

witH abt 2 hrz to luncH....i hAd no cleAr ideA whAt and where to eAt.

froM P.S....i wAlked to the neArest bus stoP...and wondeRed which buS to tAke...i adopTed the "juZ tAke any buz" strAtegy.....hahAaaa crAzy!!

so i didn'T know whAt buz i juZ went pAss Paradiz...and i quicklY prezzed stoP after one stoP...wahahAaaa...

aTe the nice nice selegie soyA beAn...

theN wAlked to the neArezt bus stop...and tooK any buZ thAt cAme 1sT agAin....thiZ time 65, towArdz viVo.

anywAyz, i wAz juZ on time for my meetinG.

crAzy and boRed!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the voice of the seA...

yezterdAy, after completinG the "mArketing plAn" sectioN for my group'z BizPlan....i felT so relieVed...hahAaaa...

time checK --> ~5pm.
weather checK --> coolinG, after the rAin...

so i decided to visiT bedoK jettY for fuN!!

i thinK it wAz 7+pm wheN i reAched...thiZ iz the overvieW of the jettY froM the pArt neArer to the shoRe...

lonG tiMe since i cLouded...heH, thiZ iz an eveninG cLoud...soMehow there wAz thiZ brighT pAtch in the skY...aboVe the shipZ....

so i wAlked to the eNd of the jettY and sAt there.

i juZ feel nice wheN i'M so neAr to the'z liKe reAching out into the unknowN....enjoyinG the fAint soundz of the wAvez (whicH i terM az the voice of the seA)...

luckilY there were not mAny people around...if not i won'T feeL liKe stAying around the jettY.

theN i begAn to chAt with the seA...of courZe i didn't sAy thingZ out (people wouLd lAbel me directly az mAd!!)'Z juZ a mentAl self-entertAining chAt.....welL, i guezZ the seA and me would requesT for some confidentiAlity...all i cAn sAy iz the seA replied viA soundZ of wAvez and breeZe...

hahAaa...i'M sucH a professionAl self-entertAiner...

i tooK thiZ one froM where i'z a lookbAck @ the neArly emptY jettY....thiZ one giveZ me a full feelinG of lonelinezZ...but pure enjoyAble refuge froM the noisY citY you cAn see in the shorY bAckground...

durinG my stAy...i noticed lotzA shiPz pArked on the seA....but i focuzed on the reflectionZ of the ship lightZ on the dArk seA surfAce...everY reflectioN formZ a trAil thAt leAdz towardZ the jettY...whicH iz towArdz me! and everY trAil iz fuzzY and flickerinG cuZ the seA surfAce iz constAntly ripplinG......

thiZ iz life, cuZ no one cAn ever stAy @ a single steAdy stAte...botH physicAlly and mentAlly. we keeP chAnging....cApriciouz iz the appropriate word here....eveN if the entiRe seA iz frozeN, the chilly misT juZ above the ice surfAce will fuzzifY light reflectioNz too....

theN i tried to thinK about life of the shipperZ on the shipZ i looKed @...would they be lookinG @ me too? don'T they mizz the shoRe.....? ...there are livez on the i diverted and tried to imAgine the livez undeR the seA....the countlezZ seA creAturez that mAy be right undeR me cuZ i'M on the jettY.......

gosH, i reAlized i wAz surrouNded by life!!

i felT weird...juZ whAt did i feeL?

feAr? but i'M not runninG awAy...not reAlly scAred.
sAdnezz? but why shouLd i...?
hAppinezz? doesn'T feeL like it...
surpriZe? mAybe...

it'Z a mixed feelinG...i don'T knoW whAt i felT @ thAt time...aH, i knoW! it'Z the "i-suddenlY-feeL-so-smAll" kindA feelinG...

all of a suddeN i felT like i'M a specK of dusT in the biG big worLd...unbelievAbly yet believAbly smAll...tinY! i'm A lilliputiAn!!

theN i begAn to outreAch my miNd to livez all arouNd me...stretchinG out througH the gloBe....and yeZ, in thiZ cAze....i'M a true lilliputiAn...... perhApz microscopic...nAnoscopic.......eveN an electroN microscoPe mAy not detecT me...

whAt'z every life doinG???? are we livinG our liveZ correctlY? or incorrectlY? whAt hAz hAppened?? and whAt'z gonnA hAppen?

no one knoWz...i bliVe the seA knowZ......but she won'T tell me...

the seA dilvulgeZ thAt soMethingz are meAnt to remAin unknowN.

to the seA: alwAyz giVe me the cAlm and sAfe feelinG...leAding me to a peAceful stAte of mind....chAt-ya agAin...mY lovelY seA.

livinG on...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

koalA toothbrusH holdeR!!!

juZ returNed froM a dinneR @ the foundeR of chilli crAbz - Roland Restaurant @ ard pArkway'Z a belAted bdAy treAt for my pArentz froM zikziK...^O^

anywAyz...on the wAy hoMe, zikziK presenTed thiZ adorAble and uzefuL presenT to me:

a looK @ the originAl prezZie!! do i see a koalA?

cloZe uP on whAt'z in the wrApper...yeZ it'z a koalA!!!!!!

holdinG the'Z a tootHbrush holdeR!! hAppy~ thAnkz...zikziK~ ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

koalAz are the cutezT...

马蹄酥 froM mei huA~

mei huA iz the princezZ of bukiT a very punctuAl and eArly risinG princezZ...she reAches the lAb very eArly every morninG!! ^o^

she wenT to KL i thinK last lAst octobeR...i meT her in the lAb one morning sometiMe befoRe exAmz...and she boughT snAck from KL...and gAve me 2 pAcketz of "马蹄酥"...a kiNd of tAsty bizcuit mAde from wAter chestnutZ...multi-crispY lAyerz...hahAaa..i loVed to eAt theM siNce i wAz a kid...oK, i am stilL a kid...hahAaa...

oNe pAcket of 马蹄酥 from mei huA....heY, let'z zooM into the pictuRe...


looK cArefully @ whAt the 2 personz are doinG...theY are scoopinG out the bizcuitz froM the verticAl inneR surfAcez of thiZ thicK woodeN poT.....whicH iz liKe the kilN....the oveN to bAke the bizcuitz...woW, hArd to imAgine how difficult it iz to mAke sucH tAsty 马蹄酥....agRee?


prezZiez from overseAz!!!

izn't greAt to hAve greAt friendZ visitinG overseAz...and theN returN witH prezZiez for you??

welL, theZe are whAt i receiVed in a singLe dAy....meeting uP witH mY aZtro gAng @ fishermAn'z whArf...theN visitinG my zikziK too....!!

froM zikziK....who wenT to China...and thiZ iz the tiP of a peN decorAted with clAy thinK....nice right? lookZ so scholArly...;P

froM yelloW sZ....she wenT to China too!!!! thiZ iz'z some pAinting withiN the smAll holloW glAzz bAll..

bLue sZ pAzzed thiZ to me....thinK they wenT to some plAce nAmed "krAbi"? anywAy'z it'z a woodeN bookmArk with my nAme on it...^o^

a Yellowstone t-shirT froM jermyN!!! he finAlly returNed from the US after >3 mthZ abroAd!!!

so wheN will it be mY turN to flY awAy theN returN with giftZ for all i knoW and cAre for? welL.....finAncially, thAt would be so so so lonG from noW...hahAaaahaaa...


creAmy keI mIu...reuniteZ!!!


finAlly met uP witH creAmy preV. sAt for a 4+ hr kboX sessioN!!!

sigH..the usuAl...cuZ we juZ don'T hAve enough tiMe to sinG no mAtter whAt.....hahahAaa...

anywAyz...there wAz thiZ terribLy horrifyinG singeR next dooR whiLe we were singinG...theN i purpozely sAng terriblY liKe thAt guy toO....totAlly out of tuNe and rhythM...wahahAaaaa....creAmy almoZ choKed on her iced lemoN teA...hahAaa..

anywAyz we wAlked abt suNtec thereafteR...and sAw some speciAl christmAz treez creAted by NAFA studentZ....:

thiZ iz mAde from the cArdboard egg trAyz...

thiZ one creAted from toP and bottoM slicez of drinK cAnz...

thiZ one froM potz and pAnz!!!

thiZ one froM shRedded pAper...

whAt a nice an creAtive christmAz...~

so christmAsy!!

the sPice girlZ are bAck!!!

i'M so hAppy.....thougH i'M sucH a pooR kid...thiZ iz whAt i bought for myseLf:

18.95 buckZ @ HMV, but 18.90 @ i sAved 5 centZ...wahahAaa...

yeZ!!! the sPice girlZ returNed!!!!!! woo Hoo~~~

finAlly accomplisHed my finAlestest undergrAd exAmz..and me boughT thiZ greAtest hitZ albuM to hAppify myself...hahAaaa...thiZ one haZ 2 new hitz with 13 preV. #1z!!!!!!

i so so enjoY theiR songZ...the typicAl poppY cAndy tuneZ...and yeA, they are meAnt to be 5 girlZ together, and only wheN togetheR...theN i feeL thAt they are compleTe....

anywAyz, the 2 new songZ are "heAdlinez" and "voodoO"....i feeL thAt the formeR tAkez the styLe of "leT loVe leAd the wAy", while the lAtter....well, it lAckz the hipnezZ of the sPice girlZ!!!! theY could hAve choseN a more performAble sonG....buT it'Z greAt anywAy, juZ bcuZ it'z by the sPice girlZ themselVez!!!! yAy!!!!!!

girL poweR!!! okoK....i'M a boY, but i supporTed girL poweR cuZ wheN the sPice girlZ were so so so HOT and fAmouz durinG my youngeR dAyz...whicH iz wheN there'z stilL an inclination for mAlez to be superioR over femAlez, i feeL thAt there shouLd be equAlity betweeN the genderz. thuZ, i am so witH griL poweR....hahAaaa.... ;P

here'Z theiR neW "heAdlinez" mtV......well, mAybe the theMe iz juZ to relAx and looK gorgeouZ siNce they juZ reunited?

wAnted to get "thiZ tiMe" by meL c too....her lAtest soLo albuM....but it iz 46 buckZ @ HMV?! i puT it bAck on the shelf.....shAll juZ youtuBe it bAh.....

i loVe the sPice girlZ - girlZ who mAke me speNd...!!

cAptain bananA'z 真面目!! he iz!!!

wheN the yellowiAnz' powerZ combiNe...we get cAptain bananA!!!!!

heH....thiz iz the mAzcot for my entrepreneurshiP grouP - Yellow!!

reAlly funnY.......initiAlly we juZ lumped all the "thingZ" together...theN nAmed it "undefiNed"....theN it becAme bananA islAnd...theN the greeN stAlk stAnding in the middle witH a hAlo becAme cAptain bananA!!!

gosH...we're sucH creAtive crApperz...

anywAyz, the BS402 lessonZ kindA sucked....lessoN leArnt mAy only enjoY lessonZ you are interested in. yez yeZ....entrepreneurshiP iz all so interestinG...but personAlly, i'M not reAlly a buzinezz persoN....okoK, it'z interestinG to peeK into the buzinezZ field somehoW.....

buT the lecturer alwAyz askz uz to do thingZ without tellinG uz how to....theN after we finished, he criticized we did it we leArnt through the hArd wAy, gottA thAnk him reAl hArd too.... ; )

the timingZ we stAy to complete thingZ are ungodlY...:

Sat: oK, orientAtion day...stAyed til 4+pm.
Sun: online dizcussioN with Kellie from 10 to 12+pm...
Mon: i forgot...mAybe 6pm?
Tuez: mAjor presentation on wed..i forgot....mAybe 7+pm?
Wed: meetinG til 7+pm, but stAyed bAck with Kellie to complete our pArt til 8+ or 9pm loH...
Thurz: mAjor presentation on fRi...stAyed in computeR lAb til 1am loH!! bunKed in with weizhI...
fRi: lessonZ pArt finAlly over!! lefT @ 6+...

overAll impressioN iz we were so busY and tired....exhAusted esp wheN we juZ completed our exAm we hAve thiZ week to do a biZ plAn thingie.....SIGH!!

anywAyz, the moz memorAble night wAz thurZ night....after Juni left @ ~10pm, the 6 of uz stAyed in the computeR lAb with our ally grouP orAnge...cuZ both of our grpz seeM to be "arrowed" by the prof aloT.......theN they left @ about 12+am feeling fed uP!! grP stAyed til 1AM....we ordered canadiAn pizzA for dinneR...left 1 pizzA, theN @ 1230am i wenT up to the lAb to reheAt the pizzA!!! we ate @ 1+am @ the dArk bencH areA @ the quAd...

thiZ iz our verY tAsty supper...kindA exhAusted...but thiZ iz a confirmAtion thAt bondshiP cAn be built upoN hArdship.....

anywAyz, fAte iz weird....cuZ wheN i went up to the lAb...i sAw someone froM the other lAb, so i gottA helP her stop developinG her 2D gel...kindA delAyed though, but i printed unltrA smAll notez for my Yellowianz...theN heAted i know cArdboard can be plAced in the microwAve. anywAyz...i tooK very lonG in the lAb pArtly cuZ i wAz replying some mAilz to profz regArding postgrAd appliz...hahAaa...glAd it'z all doNe. ^o^

cAptain bananA ruleZ!!!!!!

P.S.: shAron'z sweet and calm voice makez Yellowians feel @ peAce...thAt everything'Z gonnA be all right!! you go girL....shAron!!! ^O^

Sunday, December 09, 2007

wheRe did the tiMe go?

arH.....i'Ve quite a few thingZ to bloG....photoZ....issuez...thoughtZ....but i'Ve got no tiMe!!

finAlly i sneAked in here juZ to posT severAl wordz...hahAaa...

oK, shAll settLe the need-to-settleZ theN quicklY orgAnize my blog photoZ...

me so hAppy i got my olympuZ bAck from zikziK...and shAll begiN cloudinG agAin!!!


Saturday, December 01, 2007

cAptain bananA~!!!!

we're goinG bananaZ over bananaZ....!!!!

todAy'z the BS402 Entrepreneurship orientAtion dAy...and it'z very fuN!!!!

thougH i slepT only for 2 hrz the preV. night....i still mAde it quite oK-ly in the gAmez..hahAa...still cAn contribute lAme lAme ideAz....

me so glAd to get a grouP of 7 greAt people...and t.fenG'z in my grouP!!! i should hAve mentioNed him here before.....thAt we used to teAm up as lAb partnerZ durinG prActical dAyz....

anywAyz i "inheriTed" t.fenG'z grp leAder positioN after he wAz choseN az the clAzz reP! duH....i shAll adopT the "everyoNe iz a leAder" strAtegy. i don'T liKe to dominAte and be bossY....juZ not me. i'Ve leArnt how not to be bossY...i liKe to hide in a corneR and hAve my owN logicAl thoughtZ bAh...buT i don'T mind shAring and brAinstorming togetheR eitheR. ^o^

alSo, my grouP nAme iz "Yellow"!!!!! yeA!! and the gAmez by Nu Quest are so fuN...esp the mArble gAme...theN there wAz thiz one where they gAve uz plAsticinez....theN we hAve to mAke a our grp'Z mAzcot!!

reAl funnY....cuZ we tried to mAke bananAz...siNce we are "Yellow". theN we do not hAve yelloW plAsticine...a huGe bananA mAy suggestively looK liKe a we mAde smAll bananaZ...whicH all lumP up togetheR liKe a mesS of weird coloRed chilli....hahAaa....

so it becAme the bananA islAnd.....theN we thoughT...heY! thAt'z the portrAyal of individuAl bananAz combininG "powerZ"....theN we juZ plunGed in one uprighT piece with a hAlo....and thAt iz the emergeNce of some superioR trAnsfigure from the combiNed bananAz --> Captain bananA!!!!!!!!

wahahAaa....wheN we presenTed it az a lAme storY....i thinK everyoNe were so lAmified they were speechlezZ and "questionlezZ" --> the meAning of "no doubT". so we'Re questionlezZly the lAmest group...hahAa...

shAll photo it theN posT here nexT weeK....

if you hAve noticed....ouR ideA morphed froM the good oLd cAptain plAnet dAyz....;P

hAil to the Captain Banana!!!!