Thursday, March 29, 2007

cloudZ are simplY beAutiful!!!!!!

my muM alwAyz tellz me how lovelY cloudZ are siNce i wAz youNg....

she will asK me to looK at thAt pArticular piece and sAy it lookZ like an elephAnt....a beAr....a drAgon'z heAd....a crocodiLe'z heAd with jAwz.....etc etc. and recentlY she asKed me to looK at severAl piecez in our journeY to tAmpinez in mY dAd'z vAn too!!! ^o^

theN....i recAll wAtching some documentAry thAt mentioned "The Cloud Appreciation Society"....a UK society thAt adorez cloudZ.......checK:

and i totAlly agRee.......and it iz undeniAble thAt the cloudZ are wonderfuL Art pieces of nAture!!!! every second....everY snApshot iz uniQue......and non-reproducibLe.....

it mAy be an elephAnt now....but it will becoMe a beAr sooN!!!!

theY juZ keep on driftinG.......

and recentlY i begAn phoTo-ing cloudz az welL!!!! (or you mAy hAve alreAdy noticed...) i brinG my cAmera with me at all timeZ....and phoTo wheN i see nice cloudZ!! hahAaa....i gottA be fAst too!! cuZ the pAttern iz so fAst-chAnging.....!!!!

i aM also v hoZtel rooM hAz thiZ lArge piece of greeN grAzz field juZ beside...on whicH i cAn roAm around and tAke phoToz of the vAst bLue skY aboVe me!!! thiZ iz my newlY develoPed hobbY!!!!! heRe are soMe recent shotZ!!!

tAken on 260307: a nice bleNd of colorZ....the strongeR cloudlineZ resembLe a Chineze character..."飞"...whicH meAnz flYing.......the "<" in the chAracter representZ wingZ....and the cloudZ lAck the "<"....and it iz so logicAlly surprisinG....cuZ the cloudZ are trulY flyinG without wingZ!!!!! wonderfuL....

tAken on 260307: thiZ oNe iz exActly a "J"....juZ tilT your heAd to the righT and see cArefully!!! hahAa...and it representZ me....cuZ i aM "Jovan" wheN i worK pArt-tiMe during the holidAyz @ beN & jerry'Z!!!! ;P

tAken on 280307: i cliMbed to the toP flooR of my hoZtel blocK to attAin thiZ vieW...i loVe Sunsetz!!! neveR knew my hozteL blocK provided sucH a greAt vieW...with the cAnopy silhouetTe az a "lAnding grouNd" for the mightY Sun....the settinG suN'z goldeN rAyz showered on the surroundinG cloudZ and highlighTed some of theiR silhoutteZ too........beAutiful!!!

thAnk you nAture for presentinG uz with your besT artistic gifT - cloudZ...

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

P.S.: the beN & jerrY'z annuAl free coNe dAy iz on 18th Apr 2007!!!!! it'Z free cuZ we wannA thAnk you for lovinG and supportinG uz all thiZ visiT any to get your'z oK????? ^O^

"mR beAn'z holidAy"!!!!

(shouLd be tYped on mondAy - 260307)

finAlly decided to wAtch "mR beAn'z holidAy"!!!! hahAaa....thiZ shAll be my lAst piece of entertAinment untiL after the exAmz!!! ;P

all rightZ....Mr Bean truly mAkez me lAugh!!!!!! remem. scottinG the good old funnY episodez of Mr Bean while i chAtted with ZY quite some time bAck....and we recAlled thiZ episode in whcih Mr Bean waz supposed to buy a ring for hiz gf but he bought the poster inside the displAy cAze insteAd!! ringz a belL for you? funnY....

heNce, thiZ movie iz kindA a muZ wAtch for me.....


snApshot 1...beAn with the boY he wAz wAtching over during hiz journey to Cannez...they juZ reunited in a reztAurant and were dAncing and singinG...

snApshot 2...the prettY girL who droVe them to Cannez eventuAlly...she chAnged into thiZ drezZ at a kiosK...and in the sceNe aboVe...she juZ arriVed at the filM feztivAl....witH beAn and the boY cross drezZed az her muM and dAughter!

welL....i enjoYed the moVie.....thougH i wAz alone. ^O^ thougH some old jokez were uzed.....the movie wAz no doubT entertAining. the dArk humoR etc.....and Mr Bean iz actually a very kind man.......lookinG after the boy....theN helpinG the girL be projected onto the big screeN...
yeA, he iz funnilY kiNd.....and very unluckY at timez....but he alwAyz getz the pot of gold at the end of the rAinow!!

2 portionZ of the movIe cAught my attentioN the mosT.....:

oNe: the sceNe when beAn and the boY were strAnded and totAlly broKe....theY tried rAising cAsh by street performinG to thiZ operA song....and the boY feigned deAth...and beAn feigned thiZ "sisteR" singinG in despAir for the deAd boY........v touchinG sceNe...and funnY too.

tWo: wheN beAn linKed up hiZ v.cAm to the biG screeN of the filM feztivAl...and showed hiZ own recordingZ to everyoNe!!! the bAckground verbAl illuztrAtionz fitted hiZ funnY recordingZ perfectlY.....hahAaa....thAt'z brilliAnt!!!!

theN of all movieZ there will be eye cAndy for every one!!!!! here.....there'z a fAir share for botH boYz and girlZ....

emmA de cAunes - the prettY actrezZ in the shoW!!!!

mAx bAldry - the smArt looking boY tAken cAre by beAn in the movie.....welL, i muZ sAy he will groW up to be reAl nice looking....and sucH ppL will surely stAy in the showbiZ loH.....don'T you agRee? ; )
all rightZ mR beAn rockZ!!!!!!!!! thAnkz for mAking me lAugh.......^o^
mAy all be welL and hAppy...

MOS Burger - "soo-flAy"~

(shouLd be tYped on mondAy - 260307)

wannA cAtch the 450pm sloT for "Mr Bean'z Holiday"...heNce trAvelled to Jurong Point (a shoppinG centRe neArezt to my hozteL) immediAtely after my lessonZ...zooMed and bought my tickeT....and the tiMe wAz only 245+pm.

thuZ...settLed in the MOS Burger outlet....and tried itz new Kakiage Rice burger set meAl....and most interesting of all, i picKed up it'z new dessert too! a Souffle..."soo-flAy".

Google defined it as "A soufflé is a light, fluffy baked dish made with egg yolks and beaten egg whites combined with various other ingredients and served as a main dish or sweetened as a dessert."

i choZe the Green Tea with Red Bean flavour....and here it is:

toP-side vieW...

looK at the lAyerz!! Left iz the Souffle...Mid iz the Red Bean...Right iz the Green Tea cAkie lAyer.

a vieW into the tinY desserT bowL...

S$2.80 for sucH a tinY circulAr bowl (diAmeter of 7.0cm, deptH 3.5cm) iz quite ex....but it'z tAsty and i liKe it!!! hahAa...

theN...summArized my confusinG BS313 Proteomicz prActical protocoL in there tiL it'z tiMe for mr beAn!!!!!! ;P

nice burger...nice souffLe~~~

Sunday, March 25, 2007

the dormitorY boyZ!!



theZe 2 funnY Chineze guyZ are "the dormitorY boyZ"....后舍男生 (hou4 she4 nAn2 shenG1). brieflY...they are (or rAther "were") colleGe studentz of China and they like to forM their owN versionZ of music videoz liP syncinG to the originAl songz!!! they mAke it so funnY so i alwAyz checK on thier vidz wheN i feel blue or dowN....

i lefT a cAsual appreciatioN msg for theM with their recent comebAck vid "we will rocK you" (i wAited for sooo looooooonG!!)...theN they feAtured me as one of the other "cooL blogZ" in their lAtest entrY!!!! i feeL hAppily cooL....hahAaa...

glAd they fouNd a new trAnzlator too....hmM, i bliVe theiR englisH iz actuAlly oK one lAh.....welL, i wouLd recommeNd theM to leArn Singlish.....a more fuN versioN of English....or rAther a uniQue versioN of Singaporean English.

theiR trAnzlator (or theM) dezcribed me as someoNe "usiNg a brOken keyboArd"...heH, thinK it'z due to the wAy i tyPe! mY lAppy'z keyboArd iz totAlly'z juZ the uniQue wAy of cAp-sing onlY certAin alphAbetz at certAin positionZ in certAin wordZ and the almoZ uniforM replAcement of "s" witH "z"~
it mAkez mosT of the peopLe reAding sucH fontZ dizzinezZ....welL, i am totAlly greAt with it thougH....hahAa....thAt'z the illZ styLe~
alSo....theY sAid "Visit his blog if you want him to stop staring"....heH.....thAt'z whAt my frieNd Vic did to my phoTo.......he enlArged my eyez cuZ i wisHed for biggeR eyeZ (i hAve single eyelidz~)....and alSo a shArper noze! theN....Vic grAnted my wisH - digitAlly. ;P
juZ hoPe thAt thoZe who reAlly droP by heRe won'T fiNd my bloG too.....dizzyinG or borinG, cuZ i am juZ an ordinAry locAl undergrAd of the tinY islAnd of Singapore~ a more photogrAphic and interestinG recenT entrY would be checK thAt out 1sT bAh~
anywAyz...i am moZ fAscinAted by 2 vidZ of the dormitorY boyZ:
bu4 de2 bu2 ai4

rAdio in mY heAd
you sHould reAlly checK them out at their websiTe....and vieW all theiR archiveZ too!!! i loVe theiR funnY expressionZ and all the funnY thingZ (accessorieZ and clotheZ!) they do in the vidZ......
all righT....oH mY, i reAlly need to fiNd out whAt'z fourieR transformAtion!!!!!!! heAven.....shed soMe lighT on me.....
stilL feeL so exciTed abt beinG feAtured!! hahAaa...niteniteZ...
mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

stilL besT brotherZ..

phoTo of cloudZ - 070307

"Hey! How's life. We can still be best brothers. And hangout outside. And keep and touches. (:"

I think the lAst pArt waz meAnt to be "keep in touch".

Received thiz msg while I waz wAtching "300" yezterdAy so didn't replY....and it wAz from Chezter!! hahAaa...

wAz kindA surprized....cuZ he hAsn't msged me for i don'T know how lonG.....

welL, i suppoze he reAd my prev. entrY on "tuition kid-lezZ..."....and thAt triggered him to msg me somehoW.

cuZ tiL todAy, i onlY revealed my blog addie to officiAlly 6 personz. and cheZ and constAnce are 2 of theM.

i wondeR if anyone elZe visitz...oH yAh, one of thiZ guY from another countrY commented on me once....hahAa, hoPe he'z doing fine now cuZ he wAz hAving some drug addictioN prob theN.

mY ideA of blogginG initiAlly wAz for friendZ i seldoM meet uP to be updAted on my life, cheZ and constAnce met witH me frequentlY bAck then while I wAz tutoring cheZ, they knew the add anywAyz. i guezZ them knowinG my blog add iz more thAn appropriAte now. hahAaa....

all rightZ, hurrY....bAck to studyinG cV4202 and also bS313 testz.....

mAy all be welL and hAppy....

P.S.: mY jAw hurtz more thAn my foreheAd hurtz everytime i moVe my jAw....heNce gottA eAt slower now! duH....hoPe i am reAlly fine.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"300" @ the cathAy...

"300" - the posteR...

yAy....meT uP witH Jerm, P.rain, Chriz, and yellow.sZ to wAtch "300" the movie about Spartan soldierz going to brAve sAcrificial wAr with the Persian army or something like that. throughout the movie...learnt that Persian army was formed by lots of countries like asia etc, heNce the uze of weird beastz liKe elephAntz and some horned mAd animalZ......oK, my hiztorY knowledge iz reAlly limited all right?

wAz wAtching it for entertAinment and relAxation instead of probinG into historic analysis.

i enjoYed it...the fightinG shotz were long and impressiVe as sAid in some movie revieW i reAd at the GV website.

anywAyz, the officiAl warnerbroz siTe iz:

wAz juZ thinking thAt it would be greAt victorY if the speAr of the Spartan King could have killed the Persian King instead of only disfigurinG him....duH. but i thinK historY iz one thinG thAt cAnnot be chAnged.

anywAyz....i find it ridiculouZ for a humAn beinG to portrAy himself as a God king or a king who iz a God....duH, referring to the Persian king in the show...

cAught a few chAracters in my mind...:

The Spartan King - a repectable King who fights in the front line with his soldiers - a true Spartan!!!

The Persian King - a mAle version of "Barbie Doll" heAvy on piercing and accessories and mAke up and......welL, i feeL he looKz like Kumar....a Singaporean Drag Queen....hahAaa...

Spartan figurinez - well, onlY after the movie...whiLe chAtting with jerM....theN i reAlized they are they little red plAztic soldier figurinez i uzed to plAy with when i wAz a little kid!!! witH thAt long speAr and shArp helmeT i knoW theY are reAl wArriorz!

all righT....all in all, it wAz a very cruellY bloodY movIe.....and it juZ showz thAt wArz depicT the uglY inhumAne immorAl thoughTz of humAn beingZ.......sigH.
hoPe i won'T hAve bloodY dreAmz tonighT....

alSo, hoPe i will hAve time to wAtch "Mr Bean Holidayz" too....opening on 22nd Mar........well, thAt aside, gottA settle upcominG CV4202 test....and alSo understAnd whAt the heAven Fourier Transformaion iz!!!!!!! hahAaa....

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

P.S.1: All images are copyrighted to googleimage. hahAaa....sucH a general copyrighT!!

P.S.2: my foreheAd and jAw still hurtzzzZz......oucH!!


my lefT foreheAd hurtZ bAdly right noW.....oucH....

i hoPe i am ok....cuZ i juZ slAmmed myseLf into an indoor side pillAr along the corridor of the tutoriAl roomZ!!!!! i knoW it iz v sillY.....but it did hAppen!! duH...

it'Z reAlly pAinful....i slAmmed into the corner on my foreheAd section aboVe the lefT eye...if you feeL your left will feeL thiZ boNe riM of your lefT eyebAll socket. yeZ - it'Z there!! and it hurtZ alot.......

strAngely, my bottoM right jAw cheeK areA hurtZ too....thinK the impAct trAvelled there froM the top lefT impAct!!

oucH....i need a littLe bit of TLC.....but there'z none of it from no one noW...

anywAyz, lessoN leArnt iz: don'T gossiP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you do, plZ wAtch where you are going....

cuZ i wAz gossiping with Tiantian about a couple of the students in our cohort...about them whoLe sAle copying her NMR assignment...and also about thiZ other one who hAd depressioN and tooK one yeAr leAve blAh......theN i opened her Classsroom (CR) 2 dooR for her to enter...theN wanted to proceed to my CR3....theN bomP!!!!!!!!!!!

luckilY my frAmelezz specz were oK....cAn't imAgine if any shArp piece entered my eye...

juZ told Hock Soon...this niceguy IT Staff of my school whom i chat with occasionally...and he sAid there iz a slight swell!!!!

alSo, hoPe the "300" movie at the Cathay with my Astro gAng will lighten up the pAin!!!!!!! ^o^

prAy thAt i am oK mentAlly and physicAlly...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

cocO exotiC~~~

meT zikziK aT 815am juZ now...

and she pAssed me a piece of neAt cocO exotiC for breAkfast!!!

"A delectable treat for "chocoholics", filled generously with light chocolate mousse and crunchy hazelnut flakes"'Z deliciouz!!!! and it mAde me so so so fulL...........

all righT! now iz monikA'z lecTure!!!!

feelinG so fulL...

tuitioN kid-lezZ~

cheZ (L) and cliVe (R) - in the eArlier dAyz... and cheZ weren't on v. good termz siNce our previouZ tuitioN sessioN...due to some inexplicAble mizunderstAndingz...sorrY for beinG too seriouzlY pettY all right?

and thiZ yeAr i wAz heAvily committed to lAbwork, heNce we onlY hAd 5 sessionZ in liKe 3 monthz....(suppozed to be 8 per montH)...

and theN i wAz tied dowN with schooL work...liKe tests and assignmentZ....heNce i skipPed 2 subsequent sessionZ....

theN...wheN the sundAy cAme after about 1.5 weekZ lAter for the next lessoN, Alice (cheZ'z muM) cAlled and requested to dizcontinue tuitioN, sAying thAt she feelZ it'z tiMe to chAnge an environmenT (referrinG to tutoR) for cheZ. she alSo mentioned...wheN i wAz teAching...cheZ was on the bed sleepinG or somethinG. welL, whAt cAn i do wheN the door alwAyz seem to opeN when cheZ hAppened to tAke a breAk on the bed? and i don'T like to force anyoNe to study...

theN i wondered...if it iZ Alice, or cheZ who initiAted the terminatioN? but it doesn'T mAtter i know.

i juZ woKe from my drowsY fLu medicAtion wheN i picKed up the cAll.....and i wAz liKe..."oK~". hahAaa...

welL, i juZ regreT not being abLe to hAve a good chAt witH cheZ, and gottA end our "yuAn2 fen4" kind of inamicAbly.

recApping....i wAz certAinly not the best tutoR, and i wAz wonderinG if i wAz tutorinG correctlY, welL, i suppoze we all leArn along the wAy. welL, i don'T hAve to know for now.

mY muM alwAyz sAyz i am too demAnding wheN i teAch her to speAk englisH.......

anywAyz, i am glAd thAt i hAve more time to focuZ on schooLwork...and i feeL lighteR withouT a tuitee......

to cheZ (if you ever reAd thiZ...): i wilL mizZ our "stArgazing" sessionZ mosT...the luminouZ stArz on your rooM ceilinG are v nice....i wouLd decorAte my room liKe thAt if i eveR hAve my owN bedrooM. we uZed to gAze at them glowinG and chAt tiL the gloW fAdez off into the dArk...remembeR, you aRe a smArt persoN (judginG from the wAy you joKe/teAse/frustrAtez the ppL ard you), and i hoPe you will develoP your intelligeNce properlY. and plZ cut down on the rougH wordz you uze...hoPe you wilL be hAppy alwAyz!

and i SMS-ed thiZ to cheZ after Alice tAlked with me:
"Chester, I feel it is proper for me to wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Hope you will truly achieve your dreamz. -Hong Yuen-"

welL, as usuAl, he didn't bother to reply.

treAted him liKe a littLe brother...and wondered if we would ever keep in toucH (KIT)? but conStance (cheZ'z elder siS) sAid thAt of cuZ we would KIT!! hahAaa...yuP, but reAlity sAyz thAt it iz difficulT and we all know it'z rAre to meet up.

i will definitelY mizZ Gloria'z (cheZ'z mAid) wonderfuL cookinG too!!

i wilL alSo alwAyz remember...thAt i goT the nAme "Clive" from cheZ. heNce, wheN i heAr someone cAlling me "Clive" anywhere out will be cheZ or constAnce. ;P

lAstly, i don'T plAn to giVe tuitioN anymore...and hoPe i will surviVe monetArily!! ^o^

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

URECA 06/07 - MAL Involvement in Rho-GTPase Downstream Signaling

In coherence with the L.I.F.E @ NTU openhouze coming thiz Saturday (10 Mar 07), I blive my URECA poster will be displayed somewhere in the auditorium....

Just in case it iz not, here it iz!!! hahAaa.....

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

luncH slipPed froM my miNd todAy...

a phoTo of cloudZ i tooK on 230207

hAd a frAntic dAy todAy....referrinG to 060307, i shAll neveR forget thiZ dAte....whicH i kindA lefT a phArmacology tesT pAper blAnk.....!!! 15% of the moduLe goNe juZ liKe thAt.

noT thAt i did not studY....i spenT abT 1.5 dAyz flippinG the 5 lectZ....and i didn'T expecT (or did I?) for willmAn to wAnt us to memorize every druG detAil to such extend?! helLo....among the 30 blAnkz....i either gottA fill in one exAmple or a druG clAzz........

i cAn't bliVe thAt in sucH a moderN academiA, hArd and inflexibLe memorisinG iz still in fAshion?! duH.....i refuZe to sucuumb to sucH futiLe leArning techniquez.

wheN i studY, i absorb conceptZ and not tinY detAilz........lookZ like thiz module requirez detAilz more thAn conceptz, and i reAlly gottA sit dowN and try to gobble througH all the drug namez and classes.....duH!!!!!!!

perhApz a pArt of the reAson iz i wAz not feeling welL....hAven't beeN feeling welL for the pAst weeK! and yeT i onlY nApped intermittentlY flipping through the notez the whoLe night.

by right, i shouLd hAve studied conscientiouslY througH the one weeK breAk.......but whAt was i doing?!

1sT 0.5 weeK.....i wAz cleAring some auditz (my part-time job), rushinG lab work with URECA (luckilY my proteins managed to attAin bActerial expression!), pluZ one sessioN of terrible tuitioN with cheZter.....

theN it wAz thurZ and fRi....i begAn reAding all my lectZ for BS313...thiZ functionAl genomicz and proteomicZ module....whicH hAd sucH a dAmn hArd assignment bY thiZ tAng i thoughT of understAnding the lectZ before attempting the assignment.

theN sAt....i manAged to browZe all BS313 lectZ...and it wAz the annuAl steAmboat with my astRo gAng at LJ'z thAt tooK all dAy!

suN...reAched home finAlly....begAn studying phArmaco...but kindA slept the whoLe dAy, tiL the reunioN dinneR @ thiZ "heonG sAn" reztAurant neArby our plAce. luckilY i felT ok to lAst through the dinner....didn'T wAnt my pArentz to worrY!!

theN lAst night....mondAy....spenT the morninG witH schooL lAb prActical lessoN...whoLe afternooN doing the BS313 assignmenT, and the whoLe night flippinG the phArmaco notez............guezZ my ilL miNd wazn't in for any memorizinG..............i tried thougH.

theN thiZ morning wAz the test.....and i prActically lefT it blAnk. i fouNd it ridiculouZ....and I wroTe at the bottoM:

"Prof, I am sorry I did not study hard enough for this test. Some terms look familiar but i just can't connect to them, as yet. Sorry!!! -Hong Yuen-"

theN i slipped the blAnkie into the boX and wenT off to the comP lAb to hurrilY compleTe the BS313 assignment siNce deAdline was at 12pM! i gottA skiP one of the tutZ to complete the assignmenT...........and i wAz feeling weAk and floAty and juZ so........dAmned.

Prof. Willman muZ thinK it'Z crAzy for a crowning Dean'z lisT student to hAnd in a blAnkie!!!!!! so whAt?! i aM juZ an ordinAry humAn....i am not a flAsh driVe or an exceL fiLe which cAn record drug detAilz withouT informAtion lozz...but i guezZ he doesn'T eveN cAre, cuZ eveN a fooL knowz the studentZ were copying eAch other frAntically at the bAck fo the LT......

aT leAzt i felT all right, and proud thAt i am honesT with myseLf. @ leAst i wAzn't the kiNd who hidez at the bAck of the LT copying around the plAce juZ to get good grAdez. i dezpiZe them......theY are juZ living liez! beinG honesT waz the greAtest achievemenT todAy.....

anywAyz, afteR the test....and afteR i hAnded in the BS313 assignmenT i felT so relieVed....wAnted to luncH at the bAzement quAd but it wAz so crowded....crowdZ deter my appetite. heNce i grAbbed thiZ bottle of bArley drinK from the supermArt and wenT up to the lobbY coucH......whicH i so ofteN loVe to hAng out and sleeP at....aloNe now thougH.

hAd onlY 30min to slAck before the druG dizcoverY projecT meetinG commencez......i gobbled the bArley...hopinG i will mAke me feeL betteR...and went for the 1-hr meetinG, then rushed for my lAb prActical from 230pm to abt 415pm....then continued meetinG tiL 8+pM!!!

befoRe i reAlized....i actuAlly forgot about eAting a reAl luncH. bArley waz coolinG but it wAz not solid food...felT floAty by 8+pM........hahAa.....

theN returNed to hoZtel cAnteen to eAt the wonderfuL wantoN mee souP + noodLe.....and wAtched the MADTV clipz on youtube to lAugh some before teArz hAunt me, no!!! i shAll neveR allow sAdnezz to shRoud me ever agAin!!! hmM....anywAyz MADTV iz addictiVe...i wAnted to print notez and etc whiLe wAiting for my hAir to dry....and i ended uP onlY wAtchng them.

gottA wAke eArly to print notez...luckilY i broughT my lAser printer to my hozteL heAd iz beginning to acHe at the side now and i don't knoW whY........i am juZ not feeling v welL theZe dAyz. and toMo'z a continuouz 7-hr lecT scheduLe..........

and seriouzlY, i wannA triM and cuT off thiZ long wAvy hAir i hAve kepT for about hAlf a yeAr. costlY, tiMe-consuminG, messY......and lookZ horrible withouT tAming. alSo, sAdnezz seemz pAckaged with lonG hAir for me. liKe after hAving long hAir....recently i donT know why....i hAve beeN sourinG my relAtionshipz with people closest to me....botH in schooL and in my 3rd hoMe. schooL referz to the unfriendinG of Adrian, and my 3rd hoMe....refers to my tuition kid cheZter! somehoW cuZ i stAy over if i teAch him on a weekdAy...hiZ houZe iz my 3rd hoMe..theN lAst week i wAz so mAd at hiM cuZ he pizzed me off somehoW. duH.....

heNce, i gottA cut awAy all the bluenezz and dizperZe all the dArk cloudZ hAnging over me......i am determiNed to hAve short and spikY, oR some nice and neAt hAirstyle agAin!!!!

hoPe for the betteR....alwAyz.....

mAy all be heAlthy and hAppy...