Tuesday, January 31, 2006

cyriL - my new idoL!!

afteR i wAtched all the vidz thAt adriAn passed me...hmM...

i wAz overwhelmed by hiz suAvenezz and sleeknezZ in performing mAgic!!!!!

now i liKe thiz guY - Cyril - not juZ an ordinAry guy but a fAscinating mAgician!!!!

see: http://www.cyrilmagic.com/


Friday, January 27, 2006

lunAr new yeAr~


hahAa.....todAy i mArked the 1st time in hiztorY to be 1 hr lAte for a 1.45hr lAb prActical session....hahAa, at leAst i am onlY a lAtecomer and not a neveRcomer!!! gottA be more mindfuL...

so so so glAd i compleTed my 207 immunologY assignmenT...and also the 207 immunofluorescenT and fAcs prActical report and hAnded them juZ in time!!!! wAz sucH a rusH.....not reAlly, i wAz quite relAxed while completinG it, juZ the handing-iN pArt wAz rushY. neverthelezZ - i completed on tiMe!!!! ^O^ hoPe thAT i will not repeAt such actZ....self-controL in procezZ...

alSo, wenT shopping at jP lAst night...after i hAnded in the necessAry. wAlked around for so long...and sAw theze wonderfuL chineZe acrobAtz "flying" around in the mAll lobby....finAlly bought a pAir of ok-lookinG leAther shoez from BATA....a trAditional shoe shoP. 60 buckz ok.....but it will be quiTe hArdy and durAble. ;P

didn'T buy long cAsual pAntz....none suited my tAste. also budgeT prob...;P

anywAy, all set to leAve my hozteL and be home in tiMe for my reunioN dinner!!!!

juZ gottA..........sweep hoZtel....pAck the necessAry (chArgerz esp!) etc etc...

hmM, shAll bucK uP on all thingZ during thiZ nice 3-dAy long weekeNd!!!! ^O^

lAstly, hAppy new yeAr to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^ ^o^ ^O^

mAy all be well and hAppy...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

mY current thoughTz...


noW, i hAve lotzA thingiez to cleAr at hAnd...

i gottA compleTe my CA assignment for immunologY by thiZ fridAy.....thiZ iz a die die also muZ complete tAsk.....

concurrentlY....my thoughtz are tied up with the upcominG lunAr new yeAr.........i hAven't got the time to buy shoez....or the pAir of long cAsual pAntz.........my oh my....will i get them eventuAlly? and i hAve lotzA thingZ unpAcked too.......hmM...

alSo.....my urecA updAtez are not done....botH the digitAl form and logbooK forM....ain'T i terrible?

furthermoRe....i gottA cAtch up on all my coRe modulez........thought i promiZed to be a good student? i need more mindfullnezZ and concentrAtion...................................

howeveR, i feeL to hAve achieVed mucH....cuZ i hAve been meditAting at leAst once a weeK....*hoPefully it goeZ on...* and thAt i hAve been prActising the proper buddhisM wAy in my life.......even smAll thingZ i encounter cAn be relAted to the 4 immeAsurablez........

for instAnce...there waz a strAy cAt which cAme towardz my legz and purRed at me thAt sAturday night whiLe i wAz wAlking home from bedoK interchAnge...i wonder why?! perhApz it juZ wAnted food.....and I did not scAre it awAy....i allowed it to stAy with me...but i verbAlly and mentAlly too.....told the cAt to leAve me....cuZ i cAn't bring it hoMe....i cAn't keep it with me....i cAn't tAke cAre for it....and i hoPed with mettA...thAt it will be a good cAt, and hopefullY it will be reborN into a higheR reAlm and oveR on with a betteR life.......and eventuAlly.....it left me....for another upcominG strAnger i suppoze...................

... ...

so did mY mentAl messenginG work?

mAy all be welL and hAppy...

a spAghetti dAy!!!

cAn you bliVe i consuMed spAghetti for 3 meAlz straight todAy???????

i did!!!

it all begAn when gloriA (cheZter'z domestic emploYee) cooKed spAghetti for dinner...and there was some leftover..which wAz fridged uP. wheN i woKe thiZ morning...she offered to heAt it up for me! the sAme ketchuPy tAste of the sAuce iz too...ketchupY....if you know whAt i meAn.

theN luncH....i hAd spAghetti at cAnteen A.....sAid to be nice...at 2 buckZ....recommended by tiAntian....but i agRee with zheNzong....it wAz kindA saltY.....sigH.

dinneR!!!!!!!! my fAvourite meAl for dinner would be spAghetti of cAnteen 2!!!!!!! i hAve it neArly every night!! hahAaa......even the auntieZ sAid i am addicted!! hahAaa....reAlly...it iz v v v nice!!!!

all righT....conclusioN iz...cAnteen 2 spAghetti iz still the besT!!!!!!!


Thursday, January 19, 2006

gemZ of guidAnce


proudlY presentinG: "geMz of guidAnce"...

itz a sonG i juZ completed a minuTe ago!! a tuNe floWed through my miNd during shower...and the wordz poured in to compleTe thiZ dhAmma sonG...hahAaa....

wondeR wheN will i be abLe to sing it to the otherz in the NTU Buddhist Society? or wil i eveR get to presenT it? ;P

mAy all be well and hAppy...


geMz of guidAnce

hAil to tripLe geM
nAmo tiratanA

hAil to tripLe geM
nAmo tiratanA

The Buddha, Dhamma, and the pious Sangha...
The Buddha, Dhamma, and the pious Sangha...

when you're losT
in your thoughtZ..
thinK about all of your doubtZ...

wheN it'z cleAr
thAt you're heRe..
confused and refuse to heAr...

don't you hide
the tripLe geM iz your guide...

giVe your fAith
be amAzed...
at the truth of ouR livez...

hAil to tripLe geM
nAmo tiratanA

hAil to tripLe geM
nAmo tiratanA

The Buddha, Dhamma, and the pious Sangha...
The Buddha, Dhamma, and the pious Sangha...

(fAding speed)

hAil to tripLe geM
nAmo tiratanA

hAil to tripLe geM
nAmo tiratanA


Friday, January 13, 2006

busY weekeNd...!!

woW...*thinkinG aheAd...*

my cominG weekeNd iz fullY pAcked with activitieZ!!!

sAt morN: morN lect by Prof Rupert...advAnced biochemiztrY...0930 to 1130 hrs...

sAt afternooN: tuitioN!!! (wilL be in yishuN...)

sAt eveninG + nighT: tempLe visiT with pArentz...kindA a routiNe...but sAid to be the lAst time for thiZ lunAr yeAr...so it'z a muZ go!

suN morN: finAlly resTed at hoMe for one night...and it'Z tiMe to shifT bAck to hozteL agAin! pluZ luncH with pArentz at thiz newly dizcoveRed "yu piAn yi miAn" (witH milK) at boon lAy....blK 966...neAr nTu!!

suN afternooN: chArity worK at bo tiAn old folk'Z home!! 1200 to 1700 hrz...by the buddhisT society~

suN nighT: trAvel to "guAng ming shAn" to attend thiZ interestinG buddhism tAlk by venerAble...i forgot hiZ nAme....but it'Z on buddhisM, scieNce, and christiAnity. 1930 hrz....abt 2 hrZ?

besideZ so mAny activitieZ...gottA squeeZe in doinG a tougH tutoriAl due mondAy and going througH mondAy'z lecture too!!! ...and eveN my mondAy iz pAcked!!!

moN full dAy: school!!! 0830 to 1730 hrz...

moN nighT: a secoNd tAlk by the sAme venerAble at "guAng minG shAn"~ thiZ one iz on "the after deAth"... 1930 hrz....abt 2 hrZ too?

hmM..tiMe to destAin my SDS-PAGE geL!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy~

P.S.: i juZ rAn another SDS-PAGE gel...and thiz time a huGe bubble suddenlY appeAred in my most important proteiN lAne!!!! duH!! sigH...now i aM stAining it and i hoPe it turnZ out reAlly fine...

Thursday, January 12, 2006

abouT SDS-PAGE gelz...

it wAz v v v recenT for me to reAlize thAt i did a miztAke for one of the protocolz in the lAb!!! aYe!!!

SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis) is a process to separAte proteinz (a biomolecule) and iz a v commoN bio reseArch lAb prActice....

i did it twice independAntly...and duH!!!! i juZ reAlized thAt i mizzed out a cruciAl step....which led to the puzzlinG resultz....sigH!!!

the mizzed steP waz to boil the sAmple at 100 degree celsiuZ for 10 minutez to denAture (breakdowN the 3D formAtion) the proteiN!!! i reAlised thiz when i obserVed how Xie Yi (a PhD studenT i am under noW..) did hiz SDS-PAGE....after confirminG it'z an essentiAl step, i confessed immediAtely! and apologized...hahAaa....he actuAlly thought i kneW.....hmm.....this showz how bAsic thiz steP iz loh...

nM!! i leArnt from my miztAke...and luckilY he instructed me to repeAt pArt of the experiment to get reliAble results thiZ time round...heNce i returNed to my frozeN stocK of cellz to defreeZe them to groW theM agAin...^O^

heNce....ppl out theRe who needz to perforM SDS-PAGE....plz plZ remember to boiL your sAmple(s) befoRe running your geL!!!

mAy all be welL and hAppy~

Friday, January 06, 2006

dhAmma cAmp dAy 03

"understAndable methodz...absorbable proportionZ...". theZe are the mAjor componentz of my commentZ for dhAmma cAmp.

3rd dAy waz not as smootH and hAppy sAiling az the prev dAyz...mAinly due to a surprize hypnosiS sessioN? and due to a diverGed dArwin evolutioN debAte by me...down'Z syndroMe blAh blAh~

howeveR, the cAmp waz wrApped up with a v nice fArewell cAndle session! so nice...and a v higH singing sessioN! not bAd...and todAy'z currY v nice! but cAnnot crAve hahAaa...and i did the food "reflectioN"...hahAaa...

loVely dAy! also fouNd another jokeR! ^o^

solitAire myzterY! ^O^

dhAmma cAmp dAy 02

writteN on: 301205, 0017 hrs.

dAy 02 turned out fiNe too...a certAin pArt of it iz eveN excitingeR thAn yezterdAy! the formeR referz to the dramA where i wAz the nArrator...and everything wAz imprompTu! hahAaa...the lAtter referz to the prof'z "wAh! 3D aH!". hahAaa...thAt waz like the quoTe of the dAy, i never thoughT profz are so younG at heArt! guezZ everyone oughtA enjoY some fuN all the tiMe!

the offerrinG waZ quiTe leArnful...hmM, hoPe they will provide more info, and meditAtion'z gettinG interestinG!


dhAmma cAmp dAy 01

writteN on: 281205

finAlly waz able to join the NTUBS cAmp. and the 1sT dAy wasn't too bAd, 'cepT thAT i waz lAte due to the myztery assignmentZ...

oK, everything waz A-oK with the grouP of kAruna. thinK i'M gonnA hAve a fine time over heRe...learning abouT a subpArt of Buddhism - the 4 immeasurAblez - LCAE - interesting inductioN we hAd about unfiliAl sonz/dAughterz.

Chen Zong (gL), tien tien (bS girL), Riki, Dr Lee, Shane...and the 2 guyz not sure about their nAmez..but feelz like the pArticipAntz are outnumbered by the orgAnizerz. anywAyz, i look forwArd to the dhAmma tAlkz and mAybe some seriouz meditAtion...

gonnA be a mini-jokeR thiz tiMe rouNd...

0001 - 1sT meditAtion sessioN

remembeR Prof. Lee who was with me in the group of Karuna during dhAmma cAmp 2005..?

he initiAted to hold meditAtion sessionz for us peopLe!! nAmed weeklY meditAtion...sessionz will be held on moN, wed, and fRi at his office. i cAn only attend the fridAy sessioN...from 1230 to 1250. 20 min eAch sessioN...

reAlly kind of him...; )

todAy we kicKed stArt with only me, him, and Chin Chin...perhApz not everyone knows yeT, buT heArd thAt zhen zonG will join next fridAy, and i juZ contActed shAne to join uz next fridAy too! if i also get tiAn tiAn to join, there will be at leAst 6 of uz next sessioN! ^O^

i decided to posT something after eAch sessioN...as a memory of my improvement...if any lAh..

whAt we are practising iz cAlled trAnquility meditAtion, which will improve our concentratioN and mindfulnezZ, mAinly the former...and we are doing the moZ bAsic Breath Meditation.

we aRe suppozed to do nothing, think nothing....and juZ sit there and concentrAte on our breathing...and counT our breAthing...1 to 5 (or 1 to 8)...soundZ simpLe but definitelY a chAllenge...heNce doing nothinG iz v difficulT actuAlly.

the 1sT sessioN was fine, the phone ringinG...weird bombing soundz...heelz and foot-stepz from outside...the sAlivaring...see! i wasn't concentrAting well enough...hahA. and i gottA find something to sit on...mAybe my sleepinG bAg? my thighZ were strAined til i leAned my bAck agAinst the wAll for supporT. hmM....but think my blood circulAtion iz betteR thAn chin chiN cuZ her legz were all numb and she couLd bArely stand up thereafteR...

it wAz a wonderfuL feelinG to reAlise how peAceful the meditAtion world iz compAred to the "outside" worLd...i stepped out of the office and wAlked towArdz the cAnteen to find the noise and non-stoP blAbbering of people all round....do theY even thinK about hAving or cultivAting a peAceful mind? theY are well immerzed within the endlezZ activities-full worLd...

i need to focus and relAx more...juZ when will i be abLe to fullY and purelY concentrAte...? determinAtion iz my keY to trAnquility...

i looK forwArd to next fridAy'z sessioN.

hoPe all will be welL and hAppy...

P.S.: 0001 denoteZ 1st sessioN...a forM of infinite countinG...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

good chAnce pohpiAh...

alisoN pAssed me the above nAmecard when we chAtted about our fAvourite food - pohpiAh!!!!!!!!!

i would alwAyz sAy the Qi Ji pohpiAh iz the besT pohpiAh!! locAted at the basement food courT of sim liM squAre....

now i would reAlly like to trY thiZ good chAnce pohpiAh....alisoN sAid it iz oppo SGH....think it iz the SGH A&E dept.....but me still dont know how to go...

anywAy, think quite ex too...16? but it iz a fuN DIY style of pohpiAh eAting....nm, i bliVe i will get to trY it somedAy. ^o^


dhAmma cAmp 2005

kAruna - whoAh 3D aH!!!
froM left to right...Zhen Zong (GL), Huat Keong, Wei Ting, Riki, Shane, illZ, See Wei, Prof. Lee, Tiantian.

the aboVe was my fuN-loving group during my 4-day 3-night tempLe stAy!!! ^o^

it wAz a very fun experience where we cAmped at the Singapore Youth Buddhist Mission temple....or waz it Buddhist Youth? hahAa...anywAyz, it waz a very fuN experience..

my overAll commentz for the cAmp waz: dhAmma cAmp iz a v good experience and good way to spreAd buddhisM bcuZ it teAches buddhisM in a understAndable wAy...and in absorbable proportionZ...

hmM, i wroTe short entries eAch night before i slepT....heNce i shAll post them sooN!!

the phoTo wAz tAken after we mAde a thANk you cArd for "da hong Sis" of the temple who aided us in our cAmp....and we stuck thiz pink crAne in the middle, whicH mAkez it a 3D cArd....hahAa....so whenever the cArd waz opened our group will shouT "whoAh 3D aH!!!!"....v v v lAme right? prof. Lee stArted thiz ideA!! ;P

witH kAruna